Lyve CES Experience
Producer, Activation Producer
Challenge: At the stealth startup’s debut at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show, how could we convey Lyve Minds, Inc. amazing technology solution for solving the ubiquitous problem of too much media, from too many sources, across too many platforms?
Design Solution: We concepted, designed, and built a vivid, off-the-CES-floor experience, especially suited to communicating Lyve’s product offering and brand voice.
Result: An installation anchored by a large central screen and flanked by a custom designed product display. Visuals showed a collection of personal images and videos breaking into fragments and transforming into colored lighting illuminating the assortment of tablets, phones, and other devices arrayed on glowing physical pedestals below. The visuals and color spectrum acted as a metaphor for Lyve’s collecting, sorting and protecting service.